The purpose of the CBHA is to integrate and interpret existing information and provide practical information to decision-makers in determining:
- The most appropriate out-of-home placement;
- Intervention strategies to accomplish family preservation, reunification, or re-entry and permanency planning;
- Comprehensive service plans and behavior health services when indicated.
CBHA is a comprehensive look at the child's behavioral health needs. The result is a psycho-social assessment. CBHAs are not psychological tests or other mental health diagnostic tools. CBHAs are intended to guide case planning and service provision for youth. Services identified as needs within the CBHA incorporated into the case plan are supposed to be implemented within 30 days. Fla. Admin Code 65C-28.014(4) and (5). All children taken into state custody and placed in a licensed placement should have a CBHA performed within 30 days. Children who go to relatives or non-relative placement do not automatically have a CBHA performed. However, they may still be eligible for them. CBHA is requested when the child faces significant changes and challenges. Placement changes, increased behavior problems at school or the home are the types of changes that justify a CBHA. The CBHA is used in building/updating the child's case plan. Someone is assigned to follow up on each recommendation to ensure that the child receives services. The CBHA is shared with the court and other decision-makers. Children enrolled in Medicaid who meets the criteria may have a CBHA performed once every 12 months. Medicaid covers CBHAs.